2024-01-07 How to stop Linux threads cleanly

Let’s say you’re writing a long running multi-threaded application, on Linux. Maybe it’s a database or a server of some sort. Let’s also imagine that you’re not running on some managed runtime (maybe the JVM, Go, or BEAM), but rather managing threads spawned using the clone syscall. Think of threads created in C with pthread_create, or using C++’s std::thread.1

Once you get into the business of starting threads, you’re probably also in the business of stopping them. However the former is much easier than the latter. With “stopping” I mean stopping the thread while giving it a chance to run some cleanup operations before fully terminating. Or in other words, we want to terminate a thread while ensuring that memory is freed, locks are released, logs are flushed, and so on.2

This task is sadly not as straightforward as it should be, and there definitely isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. This blog post aims to give an overview of the problem space and to highlight some pitfalls in an area with no shortage, and present a little magic trick at the end.

  1. Most content in this blog post applies to processes too – in Linux the only real difference between processes and threads is that threads share virtual memory.

    Most of the content will also apply to any language beyond C and C++ which uses Linux threads directly, such as Rust’s thread::spawn and zig’s std::Thread::spawn.↩︎

  2. In C++, cleanup will probably be done by way of destructors, in which case the goal becomes to stop a thread running all outstanding destructors before the thread terminates.

    Shutting down a thread without cleanup is easily done with pthread_kill(tid, SIGKILL).↩︎

(Quasi-)busy looping #

If you can afford it, you can structure each thread as such:

while (true) {
  if (stop) { break; }
  // Perform some work completing in a reasonable time

stop here is a per-thread boolean. When we want to stop a thread, we set stop to true, and then call pthread_join or equivalents to ensure that the thread has actually terminated.

Here’s a contrived but working example in C++:

#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

static std::atomic<bool> stop = false;

int main() {
  std::thread thr([] {
    // prints every second until stopped
    for (int i = 0; !stop.load(); i++) {
      printf("iterated %d times\n", i);
    printf("thread terminating\n");
  // waits 5 seconds, then stops thread
  printf("thread terminated\n");
  return 0;

Which prints:

iterated 0 times
iterated 1 times
iterated 2 times
iterated 3 times
iterated 4 times
thread terminating
thread terminated

If you can write or refactor your code to work in such time slices, then terminating threads is very easy.

Note that the loop body does not need to be fully non blocking – it just needs to be terminated as quickly as we want our termination to be quick. For instance, if our thread is reading from a socket, we could set SO_TIMEOUT to be 100 milliseconds so that we know that every iteration of the loop will terminate quickly.3

  1. If you write all code in a full non-blocking runtime you probably end up where many runtimes end, having some coroutine abstraction to express operations that might need to wait and performing all the scheduling yourself.

    You probably have a readily available framework for this approach in your language of choice already (Seastar in C++, async Rust, and so on).

    That approach has a lot of merit, but it requires structuring your entire application following a given framework. In this post we’re concerned with programs written using Linux threads directly, with the Kernel scheduling them.↩︎

What if I want to block forever? #

Quasi-busy loops are all well and good, but they’re sometimes not desirable. The most common roadblock is foreign code that we don’t control which does not fit this pattern – think of a third-party library doing some blocking network call.

As we’ll see later, there’s essentially no clean way to stop a thread running code we don’t control, but there are other reasons to not want to write all our code with the quasi-busy loop pattern.

If we have many threads even relatively slow timeouts might cause significant scheduling overhead due to spurious wakeups, especially on an already busy system. The timeouts will also make debugging and inspecting the system considerably more annoying (e.g. imagine what the output of strace would look like).

So it is worth thinking about how to stop a thread while it is blocked on a syscall. The most straightforward way to do that is through signals.4

  1. Note that even if you use quasi-busy loops (and really if you’re writing any software) you probably need to care about signals.

    For instance any application which uses buffered prints (say with printf) is liable to lose output if it gets stopped by a signal and it does not have signal handlers installed to flush the stdio buffers.↩︎

We need to talk about signals #

Signals are the main way to interrupt execution of a thread without explicit coordination of the interrupted thread, and are therefore very relevant to the topic of this blog post. They’re also a bit of a mess. These two facts generate unhappiness.

For a good overview on signals I recommend the surprisingly informative man page, but I’ll give a sufficient overview here. If you already know how signals work,5 you can skip to the next section.

Signals can arise because of some hardware exception6 or be initiated by software. The most familiar instance of a software-initiated signal is your shell sending SIGINT to the foreground process when you press ctrl-c. All signals initiated by software originate from a handful of syscalls – for instance pthread_kill will send a signal to a thread.7

Hardware initiated signals are generally handled immediately, while software initiated signals are handled when a CPU is about to re-enter user mode after the kernel has done some work.8 In any event, when a signal needs to handled in a given thread:

  1. If the signal has been blocked by the receiving thread, it’ll wait to be handled until it is unblocked;

  2. If the signal is not blocked, it might be:

    1. ignored;
    2. handled in the “default” manner;
    3. handled using some custom signal handler.
  1. Congratulations, you must be tired.↩︎

  2. Dividing by zero might generate SIGFPE, trying to access unmapped memory will generate SIGSEGV, and so on.↩︎

  3. Signals can be thread-directed (e.g. through pthread_kill), or process directed (e.g. through kill). A thread-directed signal will be delivered to the thread. When a process-directed signal is sent, the kernel picks a thread in the process to handle it, without any guarantees on which thread will be picked.↩︎

  4. Generally speaking this will happen in two instances: when a system call has finished executing, or when the kernel is scheduling a thread.↩︎

Which signals are blocked is controlled by modifying the signal mask using sigprocmask/pthread_sigmask, and which action is taken if the thread is not blocked is controlled by sigaction.

Assuming that the signal is not blocked, paths 2.a and 2.b will be managed entirely by the kernel, while path 2.c will cause the kernel to pass control to a user-space signal handler which will do something with the signal.

Importantly, if some thread is in a syscall (for instance blocked while reading from a socket), and a signal needs to be handled, the syscall will return early with error code EINTR after the signal handler has run.

The signal handler code is subject to various constraints, but otherwise it can do as it pleases, including deciding to not give back control to the code that was executing before. By default, most signals just cause the program to stop abruptly, possibly with a core dump. In the next few sections we’re going to explore various ways to use signals to stop our threads.

Thread cancellation, a false hope #

Let’s first examine a way to stop threads, implemented through signals, which would seem to do exactly what we want: thread cancellation.

The API for thread cancellation is very promising. pthread_cancel(tid) will “cancel” thread tid. The way pthread_cancel works boils down to:

  1. A special signal is sent to thread tid;
  2. The libc you’re using (say glibc or musl) sets up a handler so that when the cancel signal is received the thread winds down.

There are additional details, but that’s essentially all there is to it. However, trouble lies ahead.

Resource management + thread cancellation = 😢 #

Recall that signals can essentially arise anywhere in your code. So if we have code such as

// critical work here

we might get a signal in the critical section. In the case of thread cancellation, our thread might get cancelled while we’re holding a lock as above, or with some memory to be freed, or in general with some outstanding resource, and our cleanup code will never run. This is not good.

There are some mitigating circumstances, although none sufficient:

Thread cancellation is incompatible with modern C++ #

If you’re a C++/Rust programmer, you might have sneered at the explicit locking above – you’ve got RAII to handle such cases:

  const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
  // critical work here
  // The destructor for `lock` will do the unlocking

You might have also been wondering what happens if a thread cancellation arrives in the RAII-managed critical section here.

The answer is that thread cancellation will trigger a stack unwinding very much like throwing an exception would (in fact it’s implemented with a special exception), which means that destructors will be run on cancellation. This mechanism is known as forced unwinding. Great, right?9

Well, since thread cancellation is implemented using exceptions, and thread cancellation can happen in arbitrary places, we’re always liable to a cancellation happening in a noexcept block, which will cause your program to crash via std::terminate.

So since C++11, and especially since C++14 where destructors are marked as noexcept by default, thread cancellation is essentially useless in C++.10

  1. Note that this unwinding is not mandated by any standard, and is really a glibc/libstdc++ feature. For instance if you use musl no unwinding will be performed, and destructors won’t run.

    There’s also other weirdness to be aware of when relying on this unwinding.↩︎

  2. When working with C, rather than C++, one could perform cleanup using __attribute__((cleanup)). This would work very much like destructors, but without the noexcept troubles.

    This would work rather well in theory, but in practice, that’s just not how C code is written, so we’d be swimming against the tide if we wanted to write a C project entirely in this style. Moreover this approach is flawed anyhow, as I explain in the next subsection.↩︎

Forced unwinding is unsafe anyway #

However note that even if this mechanism worked in C++, it’d still not be safe in many situations. Consider situations like:

  const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
  balance_1 += x;
  balance_2 -= x;

If we get forcefully unwound after balance_1 += x, our invariants go out of the window. This is why Java’s form of forced unwinding, Thread.stop, was deprecated.11

  1. Rust poisons locks that were held during a panic, which would at least help preserve safety (but not correct functioning of our program) in cases such as these, assuming that something like thread cancellation was implemented in the Rust runtime as equivalent to a panic.↩︎

You can’t cleanly stop threads running code you don’t control #

As a brief aside, the nature of signals (and by extension thread cancellation) implies that it’s impossible to cleanly stop code that you don’t control. You cannot guarantee that memory isn’t leaked, files are closed, global locks are released, and so on.

If you need to interrupt foreign code reliably, it’s better to isolate it in its own process. It might still leak temporary files and other such persistent resources, but most relevant state would be cleaned up by the operating system when the process dies.

Controlled thread cancellation #

Hopefully you’re now convinced that unrestricted thread cancellation is not a great idea in most circumstances. However we can pick the circumstances explicitly by enabling thread cancellation only at specific times. So our event loop becomes:

while (true) {
  // syscall that might block indefinitely, e.g. reading
  // from a socket
  // Perform some work completing in a reasonable time

We turn off thread cancellation by default, but turn it back on as we do our blocking syscall.12

Refactoring our code to fit this pattern might seem onerous. However many applications with long lived threads already contain loops with a blocking syscall at the beginning (reading from a socket, sleeping on a timer, and so on), followed by some work that will not block indefinitely.

  1. Note that we can have as many syscalls that might block indefinitely as we like in our loop, as long as they run with cancellation enabled, and as long as we have a section with cancellation enabled and a cancellation point at least once in each loop iteration.↩︎

Homegrown thread cancellation #

However once we’ve done this, it might be worth getting rid of thread cancellation entirely. Relying on the stack unwinding to free resources would not be portable to alternative libcs, and we’d need to be fairly careful if we wanted to perform some explicit cleanup actions outside destructors.

So instead we can work with signals directly. We can pick SIGUSR1 as our “stopping” signal, install a handler which sets our stopping variable, and check the variable before doing blocking syscalls.13

Here’s a worked out example in C++. The interesting parts of the code are setting up the signal handler:

  1. USR1 is convenient since it’s not used for anything by default, so we can use it for our purposes. We could then also block SIGINT/SIGTERM, and only enable them on the main thread, which would then coordinate teardown of the children.↩︎

// thread_local isn't really necessary here with one thread,
// but it would be necessary if we had many threads we wanted
// to kill separately.
static thread_local std::atomic<bool> stop = false;

static void stop_thread_handler(int signum) {

int main() {
  // install signal handler
    struct sigaction act = {{ 0 }};
    act.sa_handler = &stop_thread_handler;
    if (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, nullptr) < 0) {

And the code checking the flag before running the syscall:

ssize_t recvlen;
if (stop.load()) {
} else {
  recvlen = recvfrom(sock, buffer.data(), buffer.size(), 0, nullptr, nullptr);
if (recvlen < 0 && errno == EINTR && stop.load()) {
  // we got the signal while running the syscall

However, the code checking the flag and starting the syscall is racy:

if (stop.load()) {
} else {
  // signal handler runs here, syscall blocks until
  // packet arrives -- no prompt termination!
  recvlen = recvfrom(sock, buffer.data(), buffer.size(), 0, nullptr, nullptr);

There’s no easy way to check the flag and run the syscall atomically.14

Another approach to this problem would be to have USR1 blocked normally, and unblock it only when the syscall runs, similarly to what we did with the temporary thread cancellation. If the syscall terminates with EINTR, we know that we should quit.15

Sadly the race is still there, just between the unblocking and running the syscall:

  1. However there is a hard way to do this, as we’ll see in the last section.↩︎

  2. It would be good practice to still have a stop variable which is set in the handler, to be able to distinguish interruptions due to our handler being run and other interruptions. I’m omitting it in the code for brevity.↩︎

ptread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &unblock_usr1); // unblock USR1
// signal handler runs here, syscall blocks until
// packet arrives -- no prompt termination!
ssize_t recvlen = recvfrom(sock, buffer.data(), buffer.size(), 0, nullptr, nullptr);
ptread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &block_usr1); // block USR1 again

Changing the sigmask atomically #

However, there often is an easy to atomically change the sigmask and run a syscall:

The syscalls above already cover a very large footprint.16

  1. Note that if we are able to rely exclusively on file descriptor based syscalls, we can do away with signals entirely, and use eventfd to signal that we should terminate.↩︎

In this style, the receive loop of the program becomes:

struct pollfd pollsock = {
  .fd = sock,
  .events = POLLIN,
if (ppoll(&pollsock, 1, nullptr, &usr1_unmasked) < 0) {
  if (errno == EINTR) {
ssize_t recvlen = recvfrom(sock, buffer.data(), buffer.size(), 0, nullptr, nullptr);

Making it work with any syscall #

Sadly, not all syscalls have variants which let us atomically change the sigmask as they execute. futex, the main syscall used to implement userspace concurrency primitives, is a notable example of a syscall which does not include such a facility.17

In the case of futex one can interrupt threads through FUTEX_WAKE, but it turns out we can setup a mechanism to safely check the boolean stop flag atomically with starting any syscall.18

To recap, the problematic code looks like this:

  1. Interestingly, FUTEX_FD would allow us to use a futex with ppoll, but FUTEX_FD was removed in Linux 2.6.25 due to its raciness, in a rare case of Linux breaking a user-facing API.↩︎

  2. The idea for this trick is due to Peter Cawley.↩︎

if (stop.load()) {
} else {
  // signal handler runs here, syscall blocks until
  // packet arrives -- no prompt termination!
  recvlen = recvfrom(sock, buffer.data(), buffer.size(), 0, nullptr, nullptr);

If we could know that no signal handler is ran between the flag check and the syscall, then we’d be safe.

Linux 4.18 introduced a syscall, rseq (“restartable sequences”),19 which lets us achieve this, although with some effort.20 The rseq machinery works as follows:

  1. Documentation on rseq is still rather scant, but you can find a decent intruduction with a minimal example here.↩︎

  2. PhantomZorba on lobste.rs pointed out that a version of the trick described here is possible without rseq support, by checking the program counter from within the signal handler.

    Not only that, musl implements race-free thread cancellation exactly this way. See previous discussions on the LKML and lwn.net.↩︎

The process above forces the critical section to be a single contiguous block (from start_ip to start_ip+post_commit_offset) which we must know the address of. These requirements force us to write it in inline assembly.

Note that rather than disabling preemption entirely, rseq lets us specify some code (the code starting at abort_ip) to perform some cleanup if the critical section is interrupted. The correct functioning of the critical section therefore often depends on a “commit instruction” at the very end of the critical section which makes the changes in the critical section visible.

In our case the “commit instruction” is syscall – the instruction which will invoke the syscall that we’re interested in.21

Which leads us to the following x86-64 widget for a 6-argument syscall stub which atomically checks a stop flag and executes a syscall:

  1. Note that a rseq critical sections cannot contain syscalls. However, if the very last instruction of the critical section is a syscall, we can never have the thread being in a syscall and in a critical section a the same time: once the syscall instruction runs and the syscall proper starts the program counter is already past the critical section.↩︎

// Returns -1 and sets errno to EINTR if `*stop` was true
// before starting the syscall.
long syscall_or_stop(bool* stop, long n, long a, long b, long c, long d, long e, long f) {
  long ret;
  register long rd __asm__("r10") = d;
  register long re __asm__("r8")  = e;
  register long rf __asm__("r9")  = f;
  __asm__ __volatile__ (
      # struct rseq_cs {
      #     __u32   version;
      #     __u32   flags;
      #     __u64   start_ip;
      #     __u64   post_commit_offset;
      #     __u64   abort_ip;
      # } __attribute__((aligned(32)));
      .pushsection __rseq_cs, "aw"
      .balign 32
      .long 0, 0                # version, flags
      .quad 3f, (4f-3f), 2f     # start_ip, post_commit_offset, abort_ip

      .pushsection __rseq_failure, "ax"
      # sneak in the signature before abort section as
      # `ud1 <sig>(%%rip), %%edi`, so that objdump will print it
      .byte 0x0f, 0xb9, 0x3d
      .long 0x53053053
      # exit with EINTR
      jmp 5f

      # we set rseq->rseq_cs to our structure above.
      # rseq = thread pointer (that is fs) + __rseq_offset
      # rseq_cs is at offset 8
      leaq 1b(%%rip), %%r12
      movq %%r12, %%fs:8(%[rseq_offset])
      # critical section start -- check if we should stop
      # and if yes skip the syscall
      testb $255, %[stop]
      jnz 5f
      # it's important that syscall is the very last thing we do before
      # exiting the critical section to respect the rseq contract of
      # "no syscalls".
      jmp 6f

      movq $-4, %%rax # EINTR

    : "=a" (ret) // the output goes in rax
    : [stop] "m" (*stop),
      [rseq_offset] "r" (__rseq_offset),
      "a"(n), "D"(a), "S"(b), "d"(c), "r"(rd), "r"(re), "r"(rf)
    : "cc", "memory", "rcx", "r11", "r12"
  if (ret < 0 && ret > -4096) {
    errno = -ret;
    ret = -1;
  return ret;

// A version of recvfrom which atomically checks
// the flag before running.
static long recvfrom_or_stop(bool* stop, int socket, void* buffer, size_t length) {
  return syscall_or_stop(stop, __NR_recvfrom, socket, (long)buffer, length, 0, 0, 0);

We’re using glibc’s recently added support for rseq, which provides a __rseq_offset variable containing the offset where the critical section information lives, relative to the thread pointer. All we need to do in the critical section is check the flag, skip the syscall if it’s set, and perform the syscall if it is. If the flag is set we pretend the syscall has failed with EINTR.

You can find the full code for the previous example using this trick to call recvfrom here. I’m not necessarily advocating the use of this technique, but it’s definitely an interesting curiosity.

Wrapping up #

It’s quite frustrating that there’s no agreed upon way to interrupt and stack unwind a Linux thread and to protect critical sections from such unwinding. There are no technical obstacles to such facilities existing, but clean teardown is often a neglected part of software.

Haskell is one language where these capabilities do exist in the form of asynchronous exceptions, although one still needs to be careful to protect critical sections appropriately.

Acknowledgements #

Peter Cawley provided input on many details treated in this blog post and read its draft. He also suggested rseq as a possible solution. Many thanks also go to Niklas Hambüchen, Alexandru Sçvortov, Alex Sayers, and Alex Appetiti for reading drafts of this blog post.

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