Was incidentally poking about and tripped over Andrew Choi’s Carbon XEmacs port. Have downloaded and built it (on both Intel and PPC macs) and it seems to run Epigram ok. Quite pretty, in fact.
The only thing I’m stumped by is how to persude it to look for fonts in the right place.
If you’re using a Mac, it’s worth a go…
Found out about fonts. There’s no menu, but you can change them by issuing commands like
(set-frame-font “Andale Mono:16″)
Try elaborating some code, then switching to
(set-frame-font “Gill Sans:16″)
and you’ll find the boxes are fragged but the code looks nice…
However, some warnings. The flakiness of communication with the Epigram-bin process is just as bad, and the display updates are noticeably slower. It’s still fun.