We planned the homepage which Peter will put together. It should consist of:
- Tarball source downloads and binaries for Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, and Windows
- Documentation consisting of at least the manual, AFP tutorial, and a selection of papers (including Why Dependent Types Matter, View from the left, A Few Constructions on Constructors, Exploring the Regular Tree Types, and Edwin Brady’s thesis)
- A selection of examples and useful libraries
- Suggested background reading
- Links to the dependent type community, Epilogue, Haskell, ghc, and XEmacs
- Finally, it should just be pretty.
Furthermore, Wouter volunteered to look after the libraries and James will update the manual. Thorsten emphasized the need for an IDE and suggested looking into Eclipse. Finally, Conor gave a nice overview of how the Epigram system is layered before we went for coffee:
Papers also to include Inductive Families Need Not Store Their Indices, I imagine.