This is perhaps the latest in a long line of overdue and underdone documents describing Epigram 2. Check this blog for previous efforts. I’ll put the sources under darcs when there’s a mechanism to link the latest central version to the blog front page.
So far, it’s barely started. At all. What there is tends to concern itself rather more with how one writes sane rules etc, than with the rules themselves. I’ve only done the fragment with Π, to show the approach, which is highly algorithmic, yet (I hope) tolerably readable.
This document will have more authors than me. Ideally, we should be establishing a correspondence between the prescriptions made here and the implementation we generate and document in the EpiTome (the lhs2TeX source of the system). Being a realist, I expect a certain amount of feedback between the two. Indeed, you can tell this has already happened.
Just added Epigram2.ltx into the new repository, use the Makefile to build